
About Sanctuary Trust: 

Sanctuary Trust was set up in 2011 to provide accommodation and support to men who are experiencing hardship and homelessness. We support up to 30 residents across three facilities in St Aubin, Beaumont and New Street.  

We do not seek or receive government funding so rely solely on public donations, fundraising and grants from charitable trusts and foundations. 

We are an equal opportunities employer, committed to celebrating diversity and creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We welcome applications from all backgrounds. 

General overview of the role:

As a trustee, you will also act as director of the company, which is owned by the trust, namely Sanctuary Trust Limited and you will be expected to be a member of/or chair of one of the three sub-committees (Risk and Audit, HR and Remuneration, Fundraising)

Both the trust and the company are regulated by the Jersey Care Commission and the Jersey Charity Commission.

The time commitment for this role will be in the region of:

  • quarterly Board meetings
  • Sub-committee meetings as required (at least twice yearly)
  • one strategic away day per year; and
  • other ad hoc Board meetings, as required.

Trustees are also expected to spend time interacting with staff and residents, giving advice and input in the areas of their expertise and experience.

Main responsibilities:


As a trustee, you will ensure that:

  • Sanctuary Trust pursues its stated charitable objects as defined in the Trust Instrument and Articles of Association of the company, by establishing the following and making sure fellow trustees, residents, staff, donors and any other stakeholders all understand them:
    • a clear vision
    • a set of values; and
    • a strategy
  • stakeholders’ views are regularly sought and considered
  • the external environment is regularly reviewed for any changes that might affect the charity (political, regulatory, financial, demographic, alliances)
  • the charity defines its goals and evaluates its performance against agreed targets.


As a trustee, you will:

  • ensure that operational plans and budgets support the charity’s vision and strategy
  • ensure that the charity applies its resources exclusively to fulfil its charitable objectives
  • ensure the charity’s financial stability
  • maximise opportunities and personal contacts to help with fundraising for the charity
  • protect and manage the charity’s property and ensure its funds are properly invested.

Risk Management

As a trustee, you will:

  • ensure that any major risks the charity may face are regularly identified and reviewed, and that there are systems in place to mitigate or minimise these risks
  • give serious consideration to procuring external professional advice on any matter that presents a material risk to the charity that is beyond the established risk management process, or where trustees could be perceived to be in breach of their duties.


As a trustee, you will:

  • ensure that the charity has a governance structure that is appropriate to its size/complexity, stage of development, its charitable objects, and the diversity of its stakeholders
  • ensure that the charity complies with the Charities (Jersey) Law, Companies (Jersey) Law, Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations
  • uphold the charity’s reputation and values
  • ensure the charity is administered effectively and efficiently, including making sure appropriate policies and procedures are in place
  • ensure that the Board regularly reviews the governance structure and its own performance
  • ensure that the Board regularly reviews its own training needs and creates an expectation of continuous professional development across the charity.

Human Resources

As a trustee, you will:

  • follow proper and formal arrangements for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the General Manager
  • hold the General Manager to account for the management and administration of the charity
  • ensure that the charity acts in accordance with employment law and exercises a duty of care to its employees.

Specific skills and experience

As a trustee, you will:

  • be a confident written and verbal communicator, who is willing to speak your mind and think creatively
  • show good, independent judgement
  • have an understanding of the role of the social care sector and its operations
  • have an awareness of legislation governing charities, the residential care sector registration, and inspection process
  • show an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
  • have a track record of working effectively as a member of a team.

All trustees need to demonstrate specific knowledge and experience in at least one of the following areas:

  • the Care Sector
  • Charity law and governance
  • charity fundraising
  • financial management
  • monitoring and evaluating performance in the commercial and/or not-for-profit sector
  • recruitment and human resources, including employment legislation
  • risk management
  • IT
  • business development
  • marketing, media and public relations.


The role of trustee is for an original three-year term, renewable up to a maximum nine-year appointment.


Email your CV and covering letter to